Meals less than 10 min cooking time
Fast food on Saturdays are OK
No exhausting workouts are required
SmartTasty is not a "salad only" regime
SmartTasty is a personal, non-professional approach to lose weight based on experience and findings in the quest to discover what is need to be done to lose weight, look and feel great.
My husband and I moved to the US and quickly gained 20 extra pounds each after the first year. For about a year we couldn't lose almost any weight no matter how hard we tried different sports and workouts in our quest to gain back control of our bodies and get rid of extra fat.
It took us half a year to realize that workouts were not enough. We started to look how we could change our approach to lifestyle and begin to study different diets and food approaches, talk to various nutritionists, and experiment a lot
Finally, we were able to define The SmartTasty Approach that worked perfectly for us. After we started SmartTasty, we lost about 20 pounds each in 2 months.
We are happy to share our personal experience and findings we came up with in our quest to discover what we need to do to lose weight, look and feel great.
The App has 11 SmartTasty Tricks to share small but important details to help to lose fat quickly.
SmartTasty is about temporary limiting yourself to a few simple and balanced meals.
Saturday is open to your wants and desires to go off limits and eat whatever you want.
All meals are simple and you can easily create them based on ingredients in your fridge.
The App has 11 SmartTasty Tricks to shares some small but important details.
It's up to you to decide whether you like the idea or not based on the info.
The list of products recommended for purchase to ensure that you have a choice.
Set your reminders and never miss a meal within a suggested food intake window.
Always keep a list of your most favorite and simplest meals at you fingertips.
Pick up other people brains and check out the new ideas and approaches.